Bluetooth™ Detection System

Vehicle detection system used to calculate transit times. To help ensure efficient traffic management, Orange Traffic is proposing a system that uses Bluetooth™ technology to detect vehicles and calculate their transit times in real time.


With laws requiring motorists to use hands-free communication devices, an increasing number of vehicles are equipped with Bluetooth™ technology. Orange Traffic is proposing a system comprised of detectors installed along the road or highway. This system detects vehicles that are equipped with Bluetooth™ technology.

Vehicles are detected totally anonymously, and data are generated on their average transit times between various points in the road system.

The data collected can be analyzed in one of two ways: with devices installed in the client’s server or units connected to Orange Traffic’s datacentre, using a web interface to view the data.

Data are analyzed using advanced tools and algorithms. These tools and algorithms take into account where the detectors are located, eliminate all interference and filter out situations that could negatively affect detection accuracy, such as buses filled with passengers with multiple Bluetooth™ emitting devices aboard.

Once processed, the data are sent directly to variable-message panels or transferred in XML format for use by a third-party system.

Orange Traffic’s Bluetooth™ vehicle detection system includes two components:


Smart Work Zones

As your efficiency partner, Orange Traffic supports you in managing your roadwork sites, helping you to reach your performance objectives, maximize work time for teams, meet your deadlines and minimize the impact of roadwork on traffic flow.

Get all the information you need to make sound traffic-optimization decisions thanks to our groundbreaking solutions that integrate vehicle detection systems with Bluetooth™ technology and SmartSensor HD and SmartSensor Advance radars, installed at strategic locations on your worksites.

  • Measure travel time
  • Count and classify vehicles on each road segment
  • Determine queue lengths

Strategic information is gathered and sent for analysis by specialized software designed by TPA North America, which generates reports providing a complete and real-time picture of the worksite.

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